WarUniverse Company Change

  • WarUniverse Company Change

    In order to change companies in the game, you must meet certain options. If you meet the following options, you can change companies.

    • Company changes can be made every 3 weeks.
    • If you have changed companies and want to know how much time you have left, you can find out by contacting the Moderator team.
    • When changing companies, one should not be in any clan and no application should be made to any clan.
    • The company change amount is 10,000 PLT.
    • After changing companies, there is a 50% deduction in Honor Points.

    Tasks are not an obstacle to changing companies.

    Mesaj bir defa düzenlendi. Son düzenleyen: IamROOT (10 Haziran 2024 12:14).

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