PHP Arrays: Basics and Examples

  • Hello, Jetto Forum members!

    Arrays are data structures that store multiple values in a single variable and allow us to access each value with an index.

    When defining arrays, we usually use the ‘array()’ function. For example:

    $colors = array("Red", "Blue", "Green");

    In the example above, we created an array named ‘$colors’ and added the colors ‘Red’, ‘Blue’ and ‘Green’ to it.

    To access arrays, we use the index number. For example:

    echo $color[0]; // Red
    echo $color[1]; // Blue
    echo $color[2]; // Green

    When the above codes run, you will see the colour specified by the comment line next to them as output in the console. You will see the colour of the index specified in the array.


    Warning: In PHP, the index of arrays starts from 0. So, in an array with 4 elements, the index of the last element is 3.

    Arrays are not always defined as in the example above. Generally, the defined arrays have a high number of elements. In such cases, instead of typing $colors[0]; one by one to navigate through the arrays, we use the “foreach” loop. For example:

    foreach ($colors as $color) {
        echo $color. "<br>";

    The above loop will loop through each element in the array and print the specified $color value to the screen.

    There are also many array functions in PHP. For example:

    $length = count($colors); // Find the length of an array
    $reverse = array_reverse($colors); // Invert the Array

    These examples demonstrate how to define and access arrays in PHP and some basic array functions.

    1. Repeated Elements in an Array: Find repeated elements in a given array.
    2. Find the Smallest Element in an Array: Find the smallest element in an array.
    3. Array Sort: Sort an array in ascending or descending order.
    4. Even Numbers in an Array: Find the even numbers in a given array.
    5. Average of Array Elements: Find the average of the elements in an array.

    If you really want to learn PHP language, solving these 5 algorithm problems after understanding what I have written will reinforce the array topic. Remember, the most effective learning method is to learn by experimenting and practicing. I hope these examples will give you a better understanding of arrays in PHP.

    Thank you very much if you have read this far. Don't forget to leave your questions and thoughts below the topic.

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