String Operations and Basic Methods in Java

  • Hello, dear Jetto Net Members!

    In this content, we will discuss the operations and basic methods on String data type in Java programming language. Strings are an important data type used to represent text data and have a wide range of functionality in Java.

    What is a String?

    String is a class in Java used to represent text data. Strings consist of a sequence of characters and allow for many operations and manipulations.

    String Creation and Basic Usage

    Strings can be created by enclosing them in double quotes. Also, the new keyword can be used to create a String object.

    // String creation
    String text1 = "Hello";
    String text2 = new String("World");

    String Methods and Operations

    In Java, the String class has many ready-made methods. These include finding the number of characters, getting a sub-array, case conversion, etc.

    String text = "Java Programming";
    int length = text.length(); // Find the length of the String
    String substring = text.substring(5); // Get a specific substring
    String upperCase = text.toUpperCase(); // Convert String to uppercase

    String Comparison and Manipulation

    Manipulations such as checking equality between strings and concatenation operations are also frequently used.

    String str1 = "Java";
    String str2 = "Java";
    boolean isEqual = str1.equals(str2); // Checking the equality of Strings
    String concatenated = str1 + " " + str2; // Concatenate strings

    String operations in Java provide a powerful set of tools for text manipulation. This content will help you understand the basics of String operations in Java. What else do you use as ready-made string methods? Let me know in the comments!

    Happy coding!

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